Since winter in Idaho isn't weird enough already - feel the sarcasm - here's a new one that just happened in the Snake River. Accuweather has video of a huge ice circle that was just spotted in the Snake River. 

There's no talking in the video, just the sound of spinning ice and a few cars that are passing by on the small bridge nearby. So, there's no way to determine the exact location.

What is an ice circle? I had to look this one up. Wikipedia says this.

An ice disc, ice circle, or ice pan is a natural phenomenon that occurs in slow moving water in cold climates.

Ice circles are thin and circular slabs of ice that rotate slowly in the water

I'm still clueless, but it's very weird looking, so there's that. If you recognize the bridge in the video and can give us a better idea of where exactly in Idaho on the Snake River this happened, please comment and share.

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