With the World Health Organization now reporting as many as 1,600 cases of Ebola in West Africa, a confirmed case in Atlanta, and a possible case in Manhattan, I think all of us have wondered what are the chances of Ebola spreading to Idaho?

Thankfully, risk that the deadly virus could spread to Idaho is extremely low.

In an interview with KBOI, Idaho state epidemiologist Dr. Christine Hahn said that "unlike Tuberculosis which can spread through the air (Ebola) does not do that. This requires a real close personal contact."

However, Dr. Hahn says the Idaho Department of Health and Welfare has sent messages to health departments around the state advising doctors of Ebola's symptoms.

There is no specific treatment for Ebola. Doctors can only administer what they call "supportive therapy," which means supporting the patient's own immune system as it tries to battle the infection. This usually involves intravenous fluids to prevent dehydration and shock.

At this time, U.S. health officials are warning Americans not to travel to the three countries hit by the outbreak: Liberia, Guinea and Sierra Leone.

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