Feb 3 Is National Missing Persons Day; East Idaho Man Missing
An east Idaho man has been added to a statewide database for missing persons who are believed to also be endangered in some way. Have you seen this individual?
Thursday, February 3, is National Missing Persons Day. There are currently more than 80 active missing juveniles or endangered individuals in the state of Idaho, according to the Idaho Missing Persons Clearinghouse website. A 38-year-old man from the Idaho Falls area is one of them.
Christopher Jeff Mower has not had contact with family for three weeks now, according to the IMPC website. He has brown hair and hazel eyes, and is 5'8" and weighs approximately 200 pounds.
In 2019 alone, there were more than 80,000 reported missing people in the United States, according to the Federal Bureau of Investigation. Almost half of these reports were juvenile cases.
If you have any information on the whereabouts of Christopher Jeff Mower, please call the Idaho Falls Police Department, at 208-529-1200.
Idaho Missing

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