Give These 7 Awesome Rewards to Idahoans and We’ll Get the Virus Vaccine
In Idaho, you can't tell us what to do. We'll fight it - even if it might be good for us or helpful. We aren't mean or rebellious but we do like when the choice is ours and isn't being forced down our throats (or into our blood). We would have fought a mask mandate across Idaho and even with the optional COVID vaccines, many still feel pressured to get it. So, they don't do it. Others don't get it because they just don't want it.
What Percentage of Idahoans are Vaccinated?
As of today in Idaho (May 17, 2021) 551,588 people or 35.96% of the population has been fully vaccinated. According to KTVB, many Idahoans just don't want the vaccine. Vaccine providers in Idaho rejected more than 60 thousand vaccine doses from the Federal government as demand for the vaccine has declined in the state. In Twin Falls County, just over 22,000 people have been fully vaccinated or 27 percent of the county population.
What Would Get More Idahoans to Take the Vaccine?
In Ohio they have offered people a chance at winning $1 million if they get the COVID vaccine. In Idaho that might work for a lot of people, but there are few incentives that are more appealing to us, especially in Twin Falls. Take that million dollars and turn it into a guaranteed smaller prize and we'll bite.
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We're easy like that. Give us the shot and something to shoot with and we'll be happy.
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A Drive-in Movie Theater
There are enough people in Twin Falls who wish the drive-in theater was still an option. Give it to us and we'll be yours to shoot up with COVID Vaccines.
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Fix Our Potholes and Lumpy Roads
This would have to be a guaranteed and ongoing prize. Don't just fix them this year - we all know they'll be back next year, so you have to fix our potholes for a decade if you want to put that needle in our arm.
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Free State and National Park Access
We love getting outdoors so if we can get out and not have to pay extra entrance fees at the state and national parks, I bet you'd get a few vaccinated.
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Guaranteed Deer and Elk Tags in the Fall
You would have people LINING UP if you gave them a guaranteed deer or elk tag. Everyone hates the lottery and the wait to see if you pull for anything good.
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Waive Our Fishing and Hunting License and Watercraft Registration Fees
Same as with the park access, we love going outside and hunting, fishing, and playing on the water in boats and kayaks. I'd probably get the vaccine if I got free boat and kayak registration for my fleet.
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Free Food
Like I already said - we're easy. You give me free food and I'll play your guinea pig role and get a COVID shot. Pizza or burgers and I'm in.
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'Biden' Bonus Prize
For real, I bet there are a good number of people who would get the vaccine if it meant they never had to hear the name Joe Biden or hear from him again. You could probably say the same for Trump if you wanted to.
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