Maybe you heard the terrible news about the 5 cyclists that were killed and the other 4 badly injured in Michigan when a pickup truck ran into them. You would hope something like this would not happen here. But, have you taken the time to find out how safe it is to ride a bike in Idaho? I did and it's great news.

The Governor's Highways Association ranked the states based on pedestrian accidents and fatalities. If you look at the map, you'll notice that Idaho is one of the lighter states. That's a good thing.

According to their stats, Idaho ranks very high in the top 10 for bike safety averaging only .8 fatalities for every 100,000 people in our state. While one is still too many, it's at least a positive statistic that it's safer here than most of the country.

If you're interested in ways to make our biking even better, the GHSA has 21 tips for accomplishing that.

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