Suicide is a national crisis that impacts everyone. Boise Police have taken to their Facebook Page urging the public to save lives. Idaho has ranked only ahead of Wyoming, New Mexico, Alaska, and Montana as the least healthiest state according to United Health Foundations Annual Report on suicide in our country.  

This morning a John called in to share his concern about the rising suicide rate in the Gem State. He recently lost his son to suicide which he had shared with us before we spoke to him today. John wanted to let everyone know that they are essential and that we all should be looking out for our fellow Idahoans.  

He let us know that the Boise Police Department has expressed their efforts to stop suicide. Here is their Facebook Post:

Suicide---- as a community, we could and should talk about it more. It’s been a devastating week for many local families, friends, and first responders who have had to deal with the aftermath of suicide. We hope you’ll take the opportunity to talk about suicide prevention now. Sadly, we have responded to multiple completed suicides in recent days, each of them tragic and horrible for those left behind.

If you or someone you know needs help, reach out to the Idaho Suicide Prevention Hotline

. They offer free, confidential support for people in distress.

You can call: (800) 273-8255 or (208) 398-4357

You can text: (208) 398-4357

You can chat with a responder online:

No matter how you do it, there will always be someone on the other end to help.

We know that many people are struggling, but there is help out there. You are not alone.

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