Idaho Man Arrested With Literal Egg On His Face
This is Idaho, and I wish this story involved drugs or alcohol because that would explain what went down a little bit. According to the police report though, it is just a dude doing crazy stuff and disturbing the police. Others in comments on Facebook say he has mental issues.
Any way you look at it here's what allegedly happened. 32 year old Jacob Baker was arrested after banging his head on the windows of a coffee shop in Idaho Falls. He had egg residue on his head at the time as you can see in the extremely epic mugshot on the East Idaho News site. This wasn't his first run-in with Cops. He'd had at least 5 instances in the last month where police were called by businesses in Bonneville County.
Whether he has mental or substance abuse issues or is just a guy who disturbs the peace - a lot - police say he has not hurt or threatened anyone in any of the incidents.
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