Internet Study Gets Idaho’s Top Slang Word Completely Wrong
Somebody done messed up on this one. A study of 2,000 people to find the top slang word in each state dug up some interesting words from across our great nation...and then they got to Idaho. And messed up bad.
Looks like somebody at MentalFloss got a little too comfortable with the cut and paste feature. Looks like somebody at MentalFloss got a little too comfortable with the cut and paste feature. Because the definition they give for 'Potato Drop' is actually the definition for the slang word 'Hot Minute' of Alabama!
What they should have put is that the Potato Drop (which by the way isn't Idaho slang or something we even say more that once a year) is in reference to the actual potato drop that happens each New Year in Boise.
So, since they messed up - what do you think is Idaho's best (clean) slang word?