Where Does Idaho Rank on Most Sinful States in the United States?
Every state has its flaws. We all sin as well. If you have ever wondered what the most and least sinful places to live are, you are in luck, as there is a list that has been released by WalletHub. The list breaks down every state and you will be a little surprised to see where some of the states end up. The list also breaks down each sin. Where does Idaho rank on the list and how do they rank on each sin?
Idaho Ranks As Least Sinful State in the United States
According to WalletHub, Idaho ranks as the least sinful state. While some may not be surprised, I was. I thought Utah might be number one, or a place in the Bible belt, with Idaho being close but not at the bottom. Not surprisingly, Nevada was number one, California was two, and Texas rounded out the top three. Just above Idaho were Wyoming at 49, and Vermont at 48. For those that thought Utah might be near the bottom, they came in at number 42.
Ranking Individual Sins
While Idaho does not rank in the bottom or top five of many categories, the one that they do is in jealousy. This category was judged off of theft, and Idaho ranks 48th in theft. This is a good sign for those that are worried about their house getting broken into and their possessions stolen. One of the more interesting topics was lust, where they judged by accessing adult sites. The top five were all states back east, while the bottom five were four southern states and Hawaii. I viewed this as long lonely winters leading to other activities, whereas warmer states lead to being outside. Make sure to check out all the results at WalletHub.

Make sure to puff out your chest, and brag that we all live in the purest state in the country. Make sure to continue to be on your best behavior, so Idaho can defend its title next year, and continue to be the least sinful state. Hopefully, too many people don't ruin here and ruin the title of "least sinful" for Idaho. If anyone moves here, they better get in line and live a more pure life, because Idaho is not a place for their sinful ways.
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