10 Spots Where Burglars Check First When Breaking into Idaho Homes
Many people have hidden places in their homes where they keep important papers, birth certificates, and maybe money or other valuables. While having a safe is common to hide valuable items you don't want to have stolen or lose incase of a flood, fire, or natural disaster is normal, not everyone goes this route. Some choose to hide things in multiple locations through their homes because they don't trust others, don't trust their family, or want to keep a stash to find randomly when in a pinch. With so many locations to hide things around the home, there are certain places to avoid, because burglars are likely to check there first if they break into your home. A recent article in Reader's Digest revealed the first places burglars look for valuables in someone's home.
Suitcases in Idaho Homes
Not one you may think of, but keeping things hidden in suitcases is not a good idea. They are easy to pick up and take, and they can be sold for a good chunk of money as well. Anything valuable in them is a bonus. It is a great hiding spot and easy to place things in but could be costly if your house if broken into.
Vases in Idaho
Vases are great hiding places for little things like expensive jewelry or even money. The problem is that vases can be expensive and easily picked up and stolen, or smashed, in which case what was hidden inside is now out in the open. Best to find a better hiding place.
Freezers in the Magic Valley
Not many would think of it, but freezers are good places to hide certain items. Burglars will often check the freezer to see what is hidden inside. This one could still be safe, especially if your item is hidden inside something inside the freezer. Hopefully, the burglar doesn't steal your frozen pizza or ice cream.
Don't Keep Things in Desk Drawers in Idaho
Desk drawers are common places to hide valuable information such as checks, social security cards, and other valuables. While it might be the most convenient place to put certain items, it is best to find a more secure location in your home, especially if you don't want it stolen in the future.
Liquor Cabinets in Idaho
A liquor cabinet seems like a logical place to hide something since they are typically locked or out of place where kids can reach them. The problem is that burglars know this too and would look through to see what is hidden there. They may also want a sip to give them the courage to complete the task, so don't be too surprised if they take the alcohol with them.
Bedroom Closets in Twin Falls
Bedroom closets are some of the best hiding spots. It is a private area in someone's private room, and out of view of what most see. You can hide things behind the clothes, in clothes, or on shelves. Closets are where many burglars will spend their time searching for what is hidden inside.
What's Under Your Mattress in Idaho?
While not everyone hides things under their mattress, it is a good spot to put something you don't want others to find. Typically people don't flip their mattresses enough and it isn't a place many look under. A burglar has already broken into your home, and they won't have any problem flipping your mattress over and seeing what is hidden underneath.
Don't Hide Things in Your Dresser Drawers in Idaho
Similar to your closet, a dresser drawer is a logical place to hide personal items and expensive items. They stay inside your room, are hidden, and close by. The problem is that it is easy to throw clothes out of a drawer and find what is hidden from burglars. While it is a good idea, you might want to move what is hidden in your dresser drawer to a new location.
Medicine Cabinets in the Magic Valley
Medicine cabinets, like the liquor cabinet, are usually locked up or out of reach for kids. It is where your medication is that you need to take and seems like a good place to hide things. The problem is that medicine can easily be resold on the streets and most burglars will take your medicine to sell it for extra money. If they are grabbing it they will likely find anything valuable hidden inside as well.
Unattached Safes in Idaho Homes
Buying a safe to put your personal and valuable possessions in is a great idea. What isn't a great idea is leaving it unattached to a wall, in a wall, or any place else. Unless you have a massive safe that is too heavy to be moved manually, burglars will pick up your safe and find a way into it once they are gone and have more time. Anchor them down so your safe isn't added to the list of what got stolen.

The problem with this list is that if you can't hide anything in the places above, it leaves very few options on where to hide certain belongings. A hidden safe is the best option, but not everyone can afford that. Hopefully, your security system is good enough that burglars won't be able to get into the home to search your hidden locations.
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