Have you ever seen a video of a flash mob? Seeing someone break out into dance or singing in public is not something you see every day. You may think they have had too much to drink or have taken drugs. Then the moment comes that a second person joins, a third, and before you know it a group of people is singing and dancing in front of you in a location that doesn't seem natural to see such a performance. The videos of seeing these are often entertaining, and the thought of seeing it happen in person would be incredible. Many of us will likely never experience a flash mob in person, but there was one that happened this past weekend in Twin Falls and it was all caught on video.

Flash Mob Recorded in Twin Falls

This past weekend customers at Fred Meyer in Twin Falls were treated to a special performance. A young man in the produce section began singing until another young man joined him. Shoppers gathered around to see what was happening, and another person joined, and another. Before the crowd knew what was happening, multiple people in front of them were singing and performing a scene from the musical 'Les Misérables.' As fun as it is to think that this was random strangers joining together, it was not. The performance was from young performers apart of Jump Company, which is a group of performers aged from 2nd grade to senior year in high school. To see the performance, make sure to watch the video above.

Jump Company Performing 'Les Misérables'

The flash performance was done in part to help promote the performance of 'Les Misérables,' being put on by Jump Company later this month. The musical will be happening June 19 through June 22, with performances at 7 PM each night, and one at 2 PM on the 22nd. The musical will be happening at Roper Auditorium and tickets are $12 in advance, or $15 at the door, the night off.  For more on Jump Company, make sure to click the second link above, and for more on the show, click on the first link. 

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It takes guts to break out into song in the middle of the grocery store, but based on the teaser above, it should have you wanting to get tickets today to watch these young performances put on a show. Get your tickets today for 'Les Misérables,' taking place later this month. Make sure to keep your cameras ready the next time you go grocery shopping also, because you never know when someone could break out into dance or song.

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