Dashcam video of a frightening crash in southern Idaho involving a lone semi-truck has gone viral and been picked up by news agencies throughout the United States. Reports that the driver may have been distracted before the crash have also surfaced on some platforms.

Dramatic footage of a semi reportedly carrying apples and overturning along I-84 near Boise has been shared online thousands of times in the past 48 hours. In the video, the truck can be seen slowly drifting off the road and a small hill in the slow lane before its back end causes the entire semi to roll over and block the entire lane.

No official details have been shared as to whether or not a cell phone had anything to do with the incident.

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The wind is also known to be heavy at times in southern Idaho, but it's not been reported that it factored in the accident. No other vehicles were involved, and the extent of the driver's injuries hasn't been shared. Interstate 84 spans more than 270 miles in Idaho and extends into Nevada and California.

The motorist who recorded the footage can be seen pulling off the road to assist. The accident caused slow-downs for hours while traffic safety crews worked to get the semi upright and off the highway.

Fatigue is also a cause of accidents by truck drivers as they routinely travel hundreds of miles a day. No official details have been shared as to whether or not a cell phone had anything to do with the incident.

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Gallery Credit: Credit N8

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