Jon Bon Jovi called Justin Bieber an a--hole for showing up late to his shows. The Bon Jovi frontman told London's Evening Standard that the 19-year-old pop star is in danger of losing his fans with that attitude. “Every generation has guys that do that," Bon Jovi said. "None of that is new."

He was referring to Bieber's March concert at London's O2 Arena, in which the star arrived onstage two hours after he was supposed to. Bon Jovi said performers who do this "run the risk of disrespecting their audience members who have worked hard to pay for their ticket, to give you the permission to take two or three hours of their lives -- or in that kid’s case, 80 minutes of their lives.

"Do it once, you can be forgiven," he continued. "Do it enough times and shame on you. They won’t have you back. Then it just becomes a cliche. It’s really not cool. You’re an a--hole. Go to f--kin’ work!”

Bieber blamed the delay -- which he claimed was only 40 minutes -- on technical difficulties, but given the singer's recent tabloid headlines, we're not so sure a member of the rigging crew is to blame in this case.

Either way, some of Bon Jovi's bandmates may claim that the 51-year-old frontman's word choice is a serious case of the pot calling the kettle black, considering Bon Jovi's own recent headlines, which are far from glowing these days. At least he knows what he's talking about. Say what you will about him, but Bon Jovi has a reputation for being a consummate professional with nearly 30 years of hit records behind him. Let's see where Bieber is in 2040.

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