The Latest Construction Craze Might Be Just What Twin Falls Needs
There is a lot of construction happening around Twin Falls, despite the pandemic. New houses and businesses are rising and it seems to be business as usual around town. Parking lots aren't empty and the roads aren't desolate. Drive thru fast food lines are long and stores are packed with people. The pandemic life I had visualized last year is not even close to what we are seeing, and I'm happy about that. I appreciate that people in the Magic Valley have realized that they can continue living their life on an almost ordinary level. Sure, you have to wear a mask in stores and stand on colorful dots in lines for checkout, but at least you have the option to get out of your house.
I live my life pretty normal. I skipped out on all the big holiday gatherings with family and friends, but I still spend time with small groups of friends and family. I think if we didn't do that, this pandemic would drive us all crazy. There is one thing I haven't done since the pandemic began though: ate in a restaurant. I've done drive thru ordering but I haven't gone in to sit and eat since last March. If you are avoiding in restaurant dining, there may be a new craze that is perfect for getting you back out there. Dining igloos.
There are already a few places in Idaho where you can rent a dining igloo, but not in Twin Falls. We have had a recent surge in food trucks around town, but I think a dining igloo in Downtown Twin Falls or somewhere on Blue Lakes would be an awesome option for the town.
Patio Dining Igloos
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