Man Found Dead at the Popular and Dangerous Drops in Shoshone
IMPORTANT UPDATE: The Drops are not a place where anyone should go to swim or play in the water. Entering the water of an irrigation facility is trespassing and dangerous. In 2023, 2 people died in the canal water near or at The Drops.
Due to the dangers associated with The Drops, we've updated the story below and removed some information that was previous listed.
On Sunday, the Twin Falls County Sheriff’s Search and Rescue team was called out to Shoshone to help the Lincoln County Sheriff’s Office with a body recovery at the Drops. Air St’ Luke’s also assisted in the search which continued into Monday.
Twin Falls Search and Rescue Help with Body Recovery at the Drops
The Drops are located in Shoshone, Idaho and the Twin Falls County Sheriff’s Search and Rescue posted on social media about the body recovery and the dangers of swimming in the swift waters of the canal at the Little Drops Recreation Area:
The Drops have been known as a place for locals to have fun, but that doesn’t mean the area is safe. In fact, the area is deadly and it's illegal to enter the canal water. We’ve written about the Drops before and received many messages from readers about the dangers of the area. The Drops are part of the Milner Gooding Canal and the area at the end of the Drops, is called the Little Drops Recreation Area. But it is NOT a place to play in the water.

This story includes more details on The Drops and why you should stay away from the area..
RELATED STORY: The Controversial Drops In Shoshone
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