It wasn't that long ago that our McDonald's restaurants in Twin Falls changed their schedule to only open until 11 p.m. each night. Younger me would have been pretty bummed about that, but now I'm old and don't eat fast food after 9 p.m. anyway. Last week McDonald's announced their restaurants across the nation would begin offering a limited menu after midnight. Since our stores in Twin Falls aren't open it doesn't affect us but if you are traveling and craving McDee's after midnight your options are going to be limited.

The Chewboom website has the full list of menu items that will still be available after midnight including Big Mac, Chicken McNuggets, Happy Meals, All Day Breakfast items, fries, and beverages. This only affects restaurants open after midnight and the other menu items will be available again each morning.

This is good news for anyone who owns a 'mogwai' since you shouldn't feed them after midnight.

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