BOZEMAN, Mont. (AP) — Leaders of a wolf advocacy group say a big game outfitter who shot and killed a collared wolf from Yellowstone is intentionally luring the animals by leaving dead sheep carcasses in a pile.

The Wolves of the Rockies say the issue will be raised at Thursday's Fish, Wildlife and Parks commission meeting in Helena, where Montana commissioners will consider the 2013 wolf hunting season. William Hoppe shot and killed a 2-year old, female wolf Sunday near where 13 sheep were killed in April.

He notified Fish, Wildlife and Parks warden Chris Kerin that he killed the wolf using one of his two shoot-on-sight permits the agency issued after the sheep were killed, according to the Bozeman Daily Chronicle.

A Yellowstone National Park wolf biologist said information from the wolf's radio collar indicated that she was not involved in killing Hoppe's sheep. Hoppe did not return a phone call seeking comment.




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