More Free Food Boxes Available This Week In Twin Falls
Last week, residents in Twin Falls struggling to get food to their tables were granted a small reprieve as nearly 1,000 boxes of free food were given out to the community. The event was a huge success and helped hundreds of families. The event also shined a light on the fact that many in our communities are hurting and the need to help those who are struggling as many in need arrived after the last boxes were gone and had to be turned away. This week there will be more free food boxes available to the community.
The free food boxes will again be given away on a first-come first-served basis in the parking lot of the Amazing Grace Fellowship church. As before, if you arrive for a food box, you'll line up in your car and stay in your car the entire time. Volunteers will bring the boxes of food to you to minimize contact as we are still in the middle of a pandemic.
The food boxes will be available starting at 9 AM on Wednesday, November 4th until they are all gone. Good news for those who may have been discouraged last week if you arrived after the boxes were gone: there will be twice as many free food boxes this week available. The boxes are USDA food boxes and will include a gallon of milk, cheese, yogurt, apples, potatoes, and more.