Greg Jannetta

Being the total germaphobe I am, it was weirdly exciting when a coworker shared the news that the one day out of the year devoted to work space sterility is almost upon us.

National Clean Your Desk Day is this Monday, January 14. Drink rings, finger nail clippings, keyboard funk, dead skin cells, outdated documents and empty energy drink cans should all be removed on this date. In other words, try not to let your work space look like my coworker Courtney's desk.

courtney deskedit
Courtney's Desk (I know) Photo by Greg Jannetta

All kidding aside, I can't concentrate around clutter. It's a curse I inherited from my mother.

For those of you that don't believe in maintaining a tidy work space just remember, there is an estimated 20,000 germs per square inch on the typical desk, according to a survey at


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