So What’s With the Big X on the Canyon Rim Trail?
We did some quick fact-checking to find out just what the big "X" is on the Snake River Canyon Rim Trail.
If you've ever walked or biked on the Canyon Rim Trail, you might have noticed a big X in the center of the east end of the path. I had many theories as to what this might be.
- Buried treasure
- Drone landing site
- Idaho's version of "The Four Corners" where Twin Falls, Minidoka, Jerome and Gooding counties intersect.
- Location of the future Olive Garden that everyone keeps talking about but never seems to freaking happen.
Yeah, so none of those are right. We contacted Josh Palmer with the City of Twin Falls and the answer is pretty simple.
The white X and markers are reference points for both aerial and ground surveying. Surveyors are contracted by the City of Twin Falls approximately every two years to update data and maps, which are used for planning everything from new trails and parks to storm-water drainage and zoning. The large Xs function as reference points to help aerial surveyors align a series of images... - Josh Palmer, City of Twin Falls.
So there you have it. Nothing quite as exciting as a new Olive Garden, but it was a question that had been burning on my mind for some time. And at risk of sounding stupid, I decided to ask and take one for the team. And now you know. You're welcome.