
Impromptu Wedding
Impromptu Wedding
Impromptu Wedding
I have read this story a few times now trying to decide if the guy is romantic or a genius. It's a story of a couple that gets married just before their baby is born because the guy says he couldn't imagine the girlfriend having the baby without a ring on her finger.
The Cure For Arguments?
The Cure For Arguments?
The Cure For Arguments?
Over the course of being married for 11 years, I have realized that the only way to win an argument happily with my wife is to admit defeat. But, things may soon change. According to a new study, the key to ending an argument is to dim the lights.
Marriage Causes Obesity
Marriage Causes Obesity
Marriage Causes Obesity
The thing I love about the internet and the endless information is that you can basically find a study to prove yourself right on any subject. Though the person you are arguing with can also do the same thing. Last week I wrote that married men gain more weight than women, now I am writing that women gain more weight than men in the first year of marriage.
Does Marriage Cause Obesity
Does Marriage Cause Obesity
Does Marriage Cause Obesity
Some studies just seem like a waste of time when all you have to do is look with your eyes. Nevertheless - a recent study found that married men gain more weight than women.
Obamacare Too Expensive?  Get A Divorce!
Obamacare Too Expensive? Get A Divorce!
Obamacare Too Expensive? Get A Divorce!
Married couples seeking health insurance may make too much money together to qualify for government subsidies.  The logical solution?  Well, get of divorce, of course!  Look here to learn about the "marriage penalty."
Survey: Do Married Couples Talk About Money Before Marriage? [VIDEO]
Survey: Do Married Couples Talk About Money Before Marriage? [VIDEO]
Survey: Do Married Couples Talk About Money Before Marriage? [VIDEO]
When you get married, you take the other person for richer or poorer, right? Well, with wedding season itching closer than the space between belly button and cummerbund, you might want to know just how rich and how poor you’re talking about before exchanging "I dos." A new survey from COUNTRY Financial found that only 51% of couples discussed how they would manage their money before tyin