Twin Falls Council Takes No Action on Proclamation Against Abortion
TWIN FALLS, Idaho (KLIX)-The Twin Falls City Council decided to take no action Tuesday evening on a proclamation presented by a Twin Falls pastor declaring the city a sanctuary city for children not yet born. Paul Thompson, pastor of Eastside Baptist Church presented the proclamation aimed at putting a stop to abortions within the city of Twin Falls. He said the proclamation had more than 250 signatures on it and asked the council to adopt it. An hour before the meeting Pastor Thompson hosted a pro-life rally outside of City Hall. An estimated 100 people from Twin Falls and surrounding communities were able to sign the proclamation at the event. Several pastors from area churches spoke in support of the proclamation and against abortion.
The city council had the option to put the proclamation on the agenda and adopt it officially or each individual council member could get behind it, according to the city lawyer. After an address to the council from Pastor Thompson, each council member addressed the proclamation. Councilman Shawn Barigar, who phoned in to the meeting, said he would not support the proclamation saying it was outside the scope of the city. "I don't feel this is within our scope or responsibility," said Barigar. He said it was clearly framed in the context of Christianity and didn't represent the views of all citizens of the city. Councilman Greg Lanting also said he would not support it noting the proclamation would not save a single life until the United States Supreme Court made a decision regarding Roe vs. Wade. Council members Craig Hawkins and Ruth Pierce also said they would not support the proclamation.
Councilwoman Nikki Boyd was first to put her support behind the proclamation and said she would sign it personally. Councilman Chris Reid said he was pro-life and that he wanted to protect human life and would sign the proclamation, "I fear God more than I fear man," he said. Lastly, Mayor Suzanne Hawkins said she too would sign the document after sharing her experience of having become pregnant in high school and deciding to go through with the pregnancy.

Pro-life Rally in Twin Falls
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