UPDATE: Part of Twin Falls Without Water After Construction Hits Waterline
UPDATE: The City of Twin Falls has additional information now on its website:
At about 12:15 p.m., contractors struck a City of Twin Falls’ waterline that serves customers in the area north of Orchard Drive and south of Park Avenue. The broken waterline reduced water pressure to residential and business customers in that area and the City is working to determine the scope of the impact and if further steps are needed to treat the water.
City Water Department crews are working to repair the line.
Until then, water customers are encouraged to buy drinking water or boil tap water for 15 minutes before consuming. The water is safe for other non-consumption purposes. More information will be released as it becomes available.
ORIGINAL STORY: Some of the homes in Twin Falls are currently without water due to a wateline issue.
On Friday morning a contractor doing work on the south side of Twin Falls hit a waterline causing a loss of water to the subdivision near the Orchard/Balanced Rock Road and Washington Street intersection. The water is shut off so there was no boil order issued or danger of water use. If you live in the subdivision being affected, you may turn on your faucets and no water will come out.
The crew is working to fix the issue and residents will have water back to their homes as soon as the job is done. There is no timeframe for the fix to be finished.
There isn't currently an update on the City of Twin Falls website or social media due to the small impact the issue is causing. Those in the affected area can contact the water department about water quality or supply. Contact information is found on the city website.
Where Does Twin Falls Get Its Water
The City of Twin Falls uses groundwater from 10 wells in the Snake River Aquifer. The water is stored in 7 large reservoir storage points before it is tested and disinfected before being sent to residents. There are four reservoirs that hold 5 million gallons of water, 2 reservoirs that hold 2 million gallons, and one reservoir that holds up to 730,000 gallons of water. The Twin Falls Water Department supplies around 4.8 billion gallons of water to the citizens of Twin Falls.