This Is The Number 1 Thing That Makes Idaho Suck The Most
Every state has its imperfections, just look at Arkansas. But out of all the imperfections and things you could complain about, what makes each state suck the most?
If you ever go on road trips to other states, you will no doubt come home with an opinion of that state. Some opinions are good and some are bad. I grew up in Utah and I still enjoy visiting the Beehive State, but I hate the smell of the Great Salt Lake and how busy the highway always is. Apparently, when it comes to the Gem State, Idaho is pretty great because the writers over at College Humor only came up with our name as the main thing that sucks:
Your state name MEANS NOTHING. For real, someone made up a lie about it meaning "Gem Of The Mountains", but it's meaningless. Idaho being meaningless is pretty appropriate for this state.
A fake name as the suckiest thing about us? Not bad considering their reasoning didn't try to tie in potatoes somehow. Honestly, we love Idaho but there are things that could be better. We have written many stories about the small things that make Idaho suck. Education is horrible here compared to the rest of the nation and it's pretty lame that I can't leave my car on to heat up in the winter.
We also have quite a few funny articles about how much we hate Idaho, that are actually stories about the things we love about Idaho. Someone even produced a song called 'Idaho Sucks'.
As far as not liking our name, they are right. Idaho is a made-up word by a mining lobbyist.
RELATED: 7 Reasons Idaho Sucks