Why do You Insist on Roasting Your Dogs?
Let’s get a few facts out of the way. It can get very hot inside a car even on a cool day.
If I read a new Idaho law correctly, people may soon be smashing your car windows to save these animals
The windows are heat convectors. Cracking the windows doesn’t offer much relief. Why don’t you stay in the car for 20 minutes and see how this works?
You sweat. Your dog doesn’t. If you love your pets why do you want to cook them? I’m sorry, you’re either a complete idiot or an evil human being. Leave the dang dogs at home!!!
I can’t go to the store on any day without seeing animal cruelty. This past weekend dogs were being roasted on both sides of my parking space. Last week I saw a poodle being cooked when I went into a store. Twenty minutes later I came out and the poor pooch was still being tortured. And so much for your lame excuse of only being gone a few minutes.
I’ve also been photographing license plates. Maybe I need to publish those pictures.
You may soon get a surprise. If I read a new Idaho law correctly, people may soon be smashing your car windows to save these animals. Serves you despicable people right!