Why Idaho is One of the Worst States to be a Working Dad
With Father's Day this weekend, it is time to appreciate dad for all that he does for the family. Dads often do a lot of work to supply for their family or by staying home with the kids and making sure they are taken care of. Often dads work long days and have to spend time with their families and make sacrifices, but do what they have to do to keep a roof over the family's head and food on the table. While it can be stressful, working dads do what they must. Each state is different in terms of being a working parent, and one has to ask at times, what state is being a working dad the best and which state is the worst?
The Best and Worst States for Working Dads
Being a working dad can be tough. You are away from your family, can often be overworked, and the stress can often lead to outbursts of fatigue. Some states make it easier for a working dad and recently WalletHub released a list of the states that are the best and worst to be a working dad in. The list used four categories to decide which state is the best, and they used work-life balance, health, childcare, and economic and social well-being. Using these categories it was determined that Massachusetts is the number one state for working dads. They also ranked number one in work-life balance. The number one state for childcare came in second overall in Minnesota. Rounding out the top three is Washington DC. The worst state to be a working dad is Louisiana, with New Mexico and Mississippi helping make up the bottom three.
Is Idaho a Good State to be a Working Dad?
For dads that need to work, Idaho may not be the best place to live. Out of a possible 51 states, since Washington DC is included, Idaho came in at 45. They ranked second to last in childcare, with only California being worse. Our state came in at 39 for work-life balance. While it may seem like dad is taking a ton of hunting, camping, or fishing trips, it isn't enough compared to the work he puts in. The best category ranking was health, where Idaho came in at 28. Being in the bottom half of every category is not a good sign for working dads in the state of Idaho.

With the list being a general overview of working dads in each state, it doesn't mean that you need to pack up and move to have a better life. There is always a way to change the work-life balance. As long as you and your family are happy and are making things work, then some list won't dictate if you should be in Idaho, or anywhere else. Be the best dad you can be and keep doing what you have to do for your family. The most important thing is being there for your children in the best way you see fit. Work hard, and play hard with your kids.
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