Why The Entire Magic Valley Will Be Pro Barbers By Summertime
Another possibly positive side effect of the stay-at-home order during this COVID-19 pandemic is that a lot of people are going to become really good at cutting hair. I actually see a few outcomes here: some people will realize they are good at cutting hair, others will realize they aren't and resort to only buzz-cuts, or there will be a lot of crazy looking people with new 'styles' over the next few months. I have luckily been cutting my own hair since I lived down in Ecuador. The barber down there was scary and chopped at your hair like he was in a fight, so I bought a pair of clippers for myself and haven't looked back since. I cut my boys' hair now too but not my daughters hair - I don't touch that. If I mess up the boys I can just keep cutting it shorter until it looks good but if I mess up my daughters' hair it will be the end of the world.
During our recent bout around town to get the essentials we had exhausted in our house, we decide to look for clippers to cut our dogs' hair. Surprisingly the whole shelf of clippers was gone. People really are turning to self hair cutting during this pandemic. This isn't just here in the Magic Valley, YouGov has a daily question poll going on and 50 percent of people either have cut their own hair or plan on it.