BOISE, Idaho (AP) — Emails from University of Idaho officials show that football players from Western Michigan University knocked some locker room sinks loose, broke a trophy and caused other damage after their game against Idaho last month. The damage was bad enough that Idaho Athletic Director Rob Spear billed Western Michigan $500 for cleanup and repairs. The Associated Press obtained the emails through a public record request. According to the documents, the damage occurred when Western Michigan's team was celebrating its 45-33 win on Sept. 13. Spear and other UI officials wrote in the emails that the locker rooms were left a mess, track and field team memorabilia was damaged and some items were stolen from lockers.

Western Michigan University Athletic Director Kathy Beauregard apologized and agreed to pay the damages. She wrote in her email to Spear that the school had taken steps to ensure the mess wouldn't happen again.

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