If I ever get into a situation that requires me to be saved and the story is good enough to make into a movie – I am going to make stuff up to make my story cooler! I’ll say that I was helped by a Sasquatch and got lost in a land of prehistoric dinosaurs and I was only able to make it back by using a radio contraption I made out of coconuts and the tooth from the Loch Ness Monster…but that is me.

This guy only said he fought off eleven sharks –which may or may not be true. Jan Lisewski is a 42-year-old kite surfer from Poland.  Last year, he became the first person to kite surf across the Baltic Sea.  And on Friday, he tried to cross the Red Sea, but he ended up getting stranded in open water.  He sent out an SOS, but it took the Saudi Arabian Coast Guard 40 hours to find him. So for two days, he survived on energy bars and the little bit of water he'd brought with him.  He'd also decided at the last minute to bring a knife on the trip. And it was a good thing he did, because he used it to fight off eleven sharks, some of them 18-feet long.  He said he jabbed them in the eyes, nose and gills to fend them off all night long.  The Coast Guard finally found Jan, and he was dehydrated, but otherwise uninjured.

Get the full story here - and you decide whether it is true or not.

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