
New Year's Resolution?
New Year's Resolution?
New Year's Resolution?
Well we are half way through the year and I have not achieved my goal. My resolution was to run. But, to be honest I haven't even ran in about two months. How are you doing on your New Year's resolution?
Crossfit Fails Video
Crossfit Fails Video
Crossfit Fails Video
I am not a super healthy person - but I am not overweight. I go to the gym once in a while or do some push ups at home. My wife on the other hand is crazy fit! She goes to the gym 4 or 5 times a week and eats healthy too. But even she isn't into Crossfit.
Jogging Can Kill You
Jogging Can Kill You
Jogging Can Kill You
I don't go around looking for excuses to skip the gym...but when science finds a reason - who am I to argue. Like you need another reason not to exercise, but jogging can kill you!
The Cold Burns Calories?
The Cold Burns Calories?
The Cold Burns Calories?
So - the groundhog saw his shadow and we are in for another 6 weeks of winter. But rather than be sad about the cold, you should be happy because all that shivering you will do could help you lose weight! How many calories does shivering burn?
Going To The Gym Is Not The Same As Working Out
Going To The Gym Is Not The Same As Working Out
Going To The Gym Is Not The Same As Working Out
I know that a lot of people have gym memberships and that there are a lot of options when you are actually at the gym. I also know that 'going to the gym' is not the same as 'working out'. I go to the gym. My wife actually works out.
Shopping vs Exercise
Shopping vs Exercise
Shopping vs Exercise
Some people go to the gym multiple times a week just to sweat out a few pounds. But those people are silly since apparently you can forget the gym and lose weight shopping!
Counting Calories Is A Waste?
Counting Calories Is A Waste?
Counting Calories Is A Waste?
My wife is the Queen of calorie counting - she knows the caloric value (?) of everything from a single chocolate chip to a full pasta meal. I on the other hand am still not sure what calories are or how many I eat a day. Which to me is OK since a new study found that counting calories is a waste of time.
Is A Bike Ride Into The Canyon The Ultimate Biking Test?
Is A Bike Ride Into The Canyon The Ultimate Biking Test?
Is A Bike Ride Into The Canyon The Ultimate Biking Test?
We are definitely getting into the warm time of the year when if there is even just a ray of sunshine then we all get out and try to soak it in! Some of us go to the park, others do yard work, and others dust off their bikes and go for a ride.
Most People Make Resolutions Knowing They’ll Break Them
Most People Make Resolutions Knowing They’ll Break Them
Most People Make Resolutions Knowing They’ll Break Them
I thought the point of a New Year's resolution was to make a major life change and just maybe find the strength to pull it off.  Apparently I'm naïve. According to a new survey, 60% of Americans who make New Year's resolutions admit they know they're going to break it at some point during the year.  In other words - they make the resolutions even though they know they'll fail. More findings from t
What Do You Do To Stay Active During The Holidays?
What Do You Do To Stay Active During The Holidays?
What Do You Do To Stay Active During The Holidays?
This time of year is always amazing! We are all focused on being nice to each other (unless you were one of these black Friday shoppers), we spend extra time with our families, and we eat a lot of extra junk food! So how does one keep their figure when mom is stuffing fruit cake down their throat?