
Twin Falls Residents React To Boston Bombing [Audio]
Twin Falls Residents React To Boston Bombing [Audio]
Twin Falls Residents React To Boston Bombing [Audio]
So many feelings are floating around Twin Falls and all of America - sadness, anger, hatred, confusion, and fear. We live in the greatest country of freedom in the world, so how and why would something like this happen here? Despite the terror, we have to continue our lives. Yesterday my daughter had her first soccer game of the season and there were hundreds of children at the soccer fields runni
Twin Falls Reacts To Connecticut Shootings
Twin Falls Reacts To Connecticut Shootings
Twin Falls Reacts To Connecticut Shootings
Today was straight out of a nightmare that began as many of us had just dropped our kids off for school. Early this morning we received news that  26 people had been killed and that 18 of them were kids! I talk for a living...and as I sit here - I don't know what to say.