Do Idaho Parents Control How Fast Their Kids Eat Halloween Candy?
Halloween is an awesome holiday! You get to party, dress up in costumes, and eat a bunch of candy. The only thing that could be better is if you dress in costumes for Christmas too.
Trick-or-Treat vs Trunk-or-Treat
This year has already been a good one for the kids because they dressed up in their costumes and went to a trunk-or-treat over the weekend. It was such a success that my oldest daughter said she only wants to do those events instead of going door-to-door this year.
When all the fun is done and the kids have their first gut rot/stomach ache from the candy (probably before you are even done trick or treating) how long before you take the candy away and start rationing it out to them?
Do You Control How Much Candy Your Kids Eat
Before the trunk-or-treat event was even over the kids had begun eating and trading candies. They have been pretty good about rationing out their spoils, but I have a feeling that this weekend when the real Halloween events happen it might be a different story.

Normally the morning after Halloween when we finally roll out of our sugar-induced comas to try to control the aftermath of Halloween, we take their bags of candy and put them in a safe place so we can monitor and control the rest of their sugar intake.
Do Your Kids Get Free Reign Of Their Halloween Candy?
Do you even try to control their intake - or do they get free reign over their Halloween candy until it is gone?
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