I'm going to go ahead and say no on this one.  If you celebrate Easter, then you have to recognize that it is a religious holiday...if you can't accept that, then you need to stay away from the eggs, jelly beans, and PEEPS!

We've got the new, politically-correct, religion-free way to describe EASTER EGGS.  You won't offend anyone if you call them . . . SPRING SPHERES.  If you're wondering, the term comes from the administration at an elementary school in the Seattle area.

Easter is when we celebrate the resurrection of Jesus Christ - it is not just a day to dress nice, get together with the family, and eat a lot of food and candy.  As we discussed this morning - the same as Christmas - many people seem to have forgotten the real reason for many of our holidays.  That's what I think...now - what do you think?  Leave your comments, and take the Intermountain Martial Arts sponsored poll about the meaning of Easter and you'll get 5,000 points in your account.

If I can't say Easter Egg...then I probably have to refer to my Christmas Tree as a "Wintertime Arboreal Present Magnet." :)

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