Meridian’s Easter House With Real Bunnies
I live in Meridian and love it. The neighborhood is great. My family and I are always out walking, riding bikes or chasing my son as he practices skate boarding. Either way I have come quite accustom to the homes around us. Its clear who loves gardening, who could care less about yard maintenance and there is one who clearly loves cactus or hates visitors because the front is overrun with many varieties of poky plants. But my favorite is the Easter House.
This was just an unsuspecting regular looking home a year ago. Then last year, just after Easter if memory serves me correctly. They painted, and oh boy, it wasn't just a normal looking house anymore. It quickly became 'The Easter House' to us due to the near neon yellow and electric green trim. A couple of weeks went by and we were walking by the street again but this time we noticed something extra special about 'The Easter House'.
There are two large rabbits that live there and are often (weather permitting) are hanging out in the unfenced front or side yards. Ok now we really did have an Easter House in our neighborhood. One is grayish-tan and one is all black. You can see the black one in the featured image for this article, it has its ears back so looks like a black fuzz ball in front of the house.
As I did a little curiosity research I found out that rabbits do see color and some studies even claim they are attracted to bright colors. Suddenly Easter makes more sense and so does the reason for this vibrant exterior paint choices.
Now that you are feeling festive and in the spring and Easter spirit here is a couple of links to lists of The Treasure Valley Easter Egg Hunts this year.
Boise's Ultimate Easter Egg Hunt Guide
20,000 Egg Easter Egg Hunt in Caldwell
Adult Easter Egg Hunt Planned in Garden City
We're Totally Jealous of This Meridian Home With Its Own Backyard Saloon