I think, as a parent, I got extremely lucky - that only one of my kids ever used a binky.  She is one right now and still uses it to chew on...so we haven't gone through her withdrawals ...yet.  On the flip side - SURI CRUISE…(--The daughter of TOM CRUISE and KATIE HOLMES, for the six or seven of you who might not know)…will be 5 next month.  And she's still rocking a pacifier.

Naturally, there's all kinds of blather on the Internet about it.  People who know NOTHING about this girl's existence are analyzing her life…not to mention Tom and Katie's parenting skills.

So why should WE be any different?  Is it such a bad thing for a kid to have a pacifier that long?  When do you take it away?

And hey, maybe instead of just gossiping, we can perform an actual SERVICE here.

I'll bet there are a lot of young parents out there who know the time is coming when they're going to have to take their kid's pacifier away.

And they're DREADING it.  Because losing "binky" can really be a traumatic thing for a child.

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