This story is really random, but I just learned something thanks to the innocence of my youngest child. You can no longer mail in your Dum Dums wrappers and get a free sucker. Honestly, I don't know if that was ever how it really worked but as of December 31st, 2016 the old trade in program ended and the new code based program began.

The reason I know this is that my youngest daughter had been collecting wrappers because we told her that you need 20 wrappers and you mail them to get a free sucker. Again, that may not have ever been the case. So she put her wrappers into a ziplock bag and wrote '20 wraps for free sucker' on it. No return address or postage.

Dum Dums Baggie N8

She was bummed that it didn't work that way anymore so we looked it up online. Now each Dum Dums sucker wrapper has codes on the bottom that you have to enter on the Save Wraps site. You do have to also create an account which is how they keep track of your codes. As you enter codes you unlock challenges and earn points to then get free or discounted items.

So, as cute as it is for your kids to get excited about mailing in wrappers for free candy, that isn't how the Dum Dums game is played anymore.

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