Idaho’s Rank In List Of Best And Worst States For Jobs
Some people have lived in Idaho their entire life and have no real idea of how good or bad it is in other states. I grew up in Salt Lake City then moved to Kansas City for a few years working and going to college. I hated it there. Then I moved to Las Vegas to work with a cluster of radio stations and there were some definite perks and good aspects to living in such a big and busy city. There were also definite negatives and that's why I decided to mover here to Idaho (at least I didn't come from California). More than a decade later I am still here and loving it. Idaho may not be the best state to live in or find a job but it is among the best.
Wallet Hub has a new list of the best and worst states for jobs and overall Idaho comes in the middle of the most mediocre. We aren't ranked good or bad, but Idaho is ranked at number 25 out of 50. There is good new and bad news with that ranking. We already know that Idaho has been pretty steady with a low unemployment rate, so that bodes well for us. Wallet Hub ranks us at 14th in the nation for the job market. The thing that brings us down, according to the Wallet Hub rankings, is the economic environment where they put us down at 36th place. That means there are a lot of jobs but also long hours and low pay.
Despite the low pay and long hours, people still love it here. We are ranked number 1 in the job satisfaction category and in the top 5 of two other categories.
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