BOISE, Idaho (AP) — Republican leadership will remain the same in the Idaho House after lawmakers voted behind closed doors Wednesday evening.

House Speaker Scott Bedke and Majority Leader Mike Moyle didn't face rivals. However, Assistant Majority Leader Brent Crane and Majority Caucus Chairman John Vander Woude held off challenges. Democratic leadership also remained the same Wednesday. Rep. Mat Erpelding will be the only new face among Idaho's Democratic leaders.

The Boise lawmaker ran unopposed for the open assistant minority leader spot. Results for Idaho's Senate GOP caucus were still unknown as of 8 p.m. Just one seat is open in the Senate's dominant GOP faction following the departure of Majority Caucus Chairman Russ Fulcher, who unsuccessfully challenged Gov. C.L. "Butch" Otter in the primary election. Four candidates are vying for the post.

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