Much Higher Gas Prices May be Coming
We haven’t seen the worst. It’s a warning from oil markets about the price of gas.
fields in the United States suddenly look as if they may not be as promising as they were just a year ago
Several factors are impacting what we’re paying at the pumps. One is a potentially prolonged trade war. The sanctions against turkey could rattle monetary issues. Sanctions against Russia and Iran drive up oil costs and potentially cause supply issues.
Overall economic growth in Asia is expected to continue stressing markets for decades to come.
Then there is another factor. According to oilprice.com some fields in the United States suddenly look as if they may not be as promising as they were just a year ago. Maybe it’s time to get the bike out of the garage, oil its chain and fill the tires with air.
One analyst predicts an astounding price of $400 a barrel is on the way!
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