Now that the turkey and gravy is either gone or stored neatly in Tupperware in the fridge, let's take a look at what you ate for Thanksgiving. Let's hope your meal looked better than these ones did...

As you know, Thanksgiving dinner is the "one" time a year Americans allow themselves to eat an unhealthy meal . . . so just HOW unhealthy is it?  Here's a breakdown of the calories you'll eat at the average Thanksgiving.

--Six ounces of turkey, with skin.  299 calories.

--Sausage stuffing, 310 calories.

--Dinner roll with butter, 310 calories.

--Sweet potato casserole, 300 calories.

--Mashed potatoes, 140 calories.

--Green bean casserole, 110 calories.

--Cranberry sauce, 15 calories.

--Roasted vegetable, 83 calories.

--Slices of pumpkin and pecan pie with whipped cream, 919 calories.

--So that's a total of 2,486 calories . . . which is basically supposed to be your daily total.  And that number doesn't include any drinks, appetizers, SECONDS, or anything else you'll eat that day.

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