Those planning a trip to the Niagara of the West, the Shoshone Falls in Idaho will be in for a visual treat for the next few weeks.

Idaho Power announced that the flows will be increasing over the next few days.

The Shoshone Falls in Idaho Will See an Exponential Increase This Week

The flow increase will be a quick one. Idaho Power says the water flowing over the waterfall on Monday was around 300 CFS (cubic feet per second) and is expected to be up to 2,300 CFS by Wednesday. Flows will remain around that level for the next 30 days when the yearly flow augmentation ends.

The flow augmentation happens each year to help young steelhead and salmon migrate through the Snake River and Columbia River to the Pacific Ocean. Water is released from reservoirs on the Upper Snake for the flow augmentation.

How Much Water Goes Over the Shoshone Falls in Idaho

This video shows what the Shoshone Falls look like with around 4,000 CFS.

You can see the Shoshone Falls in person or through the Live Video Feed online.

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Idaho Power sent us the information, but they don’t control the timing or the amount of water in the flow augmentation.

Earlier this week a house just above the Shoshone Falls caught fire and first responders were called out to extinguish the blaze. The house sits on the Jerome side of the canyon and multiple fire vehicles responded to the scene.

Best Waterfalls Of Southern Idaho

Gallery Credit: Credit N8

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