
5 Life-Hacks
5 Life-Hacks
5 Life-Hacks
We all know that there are 24 hours in a day and that is all you get. Many of us have found that 24 hours is often not enough, so here are 5 tricks to make your life easier
Don’t Forget To Fall Back This Sunday
Don’t Forget To Fall Back This Sunday
Don’t Forget To Fall Back This Sunday
Daylight Savings Time ends this Sunday, November 6th, at 2am so don't forget to set your clocks back and get an extra hour of sleep. Daylight Saving Time began the second Sunday in March when clocks were set forward one hour. When we "fall back" this weekend we'll return to Standard Time. As a result, darkness may seem to be descending early as we readjust to "normal" time. Rea
Hadron Particle Collider Could Be Used As A Time Machine
Hadron Particle Collider Could Be Used As A Time Machine
Hadron Particle Collider Could Be Used As A Time Machine
I read this story today, and by "read" I do not mean to imply that I have any idea what it is about...kind of like a book club.  The Hadron Particle Collider in Geneva has yet to swallow us up in a black hole, so now scientists want to use it as a time machine and see how that works out.
Ladies – Meet Mr. Average
I'll admit that as a guy, I waste a lot more time than my wife.  She is great at multi-tasking and knowing that I am not multi-tasking...so she's kinda triple tasking :)  A new survey reveals that - big surprise - I'm not the only guy who doesn't use every moment of my day wisely.  According to the results of the new survey, here's how the average man wastes...err, spends his life.