Look at how nice our government can be...this year we all get 3 extra days to stress about and try to organize our taxes.  Taxes Day this year is April 18th - I learned a long time ago that some of the smartest money you can spend is on a pro doing your taxes.  It's their job to know every little legit shortcut you can take to getting a refund.  I kissed my accountant on the mouth this year.Take the Intermountain Martiall Arts sponsored poll about who does your taxes and get 5,000 points in your KOOL Klub account (we won't even audit you)

--Clearly, not everyone has caught on to that magic yet.  OfficeMax just finished a nationwide survey on taxes, and here's what they found . . .

--46% of people say they prepare and file their own taxes.

--34% go to a professional, and 14% go to a family member.  (--Not sure what the other 6% do?  Not pay taxes?)

--Men are more likely than women to do their own taxes, 51% to 42%.

--Two out of five people say they think they'd do a better job cutting their own hair than filing their own taxes.

--60% of people say they worry about getting audited.  21% of people are more worried about an audit than a performance review at work, and 25% are more worried about an audit than their next doctor's visit.

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