BURNS, Ore. (AP) — A member of the small, armed group that has been occupying a national wildlife refuge in Oregon says he believes federal officials have issued warrants for the arrest of five group members.

LaVoy Finicum, an Arizona rancher, told reporters at the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge Tuesday evening that he is one of the people who is a subject of the warrants, but he offered no details. The FBI in Portland referred calls to the Harney County Joint Information Center, which said in a statement it had no information on arrests or arrest warrants and that authorities were "still working on a peaceful resolution." Finicum, holding a rifle and a backpack, told reporters he would stay at the entrance to the refuge overnight so authorities could find him.

Ammon Bundy, a group leader, said they would take a defensive position anticipating a possible raid. The group calling itself Citizens for Constitutional Freedom said it wants an inquiry into whether the government is forcing ranchers off their land.

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