Five Places to Get Crazy High on 4/20 Around Twin Falls
Even though many people around the world will be celebrating 4/20 as a holiday, I’m not going to condone the use of recreational marijuana in this story. I’m also not going to condemn the use of marijuana for medical uses. You do you, but no matter who you are or your feelings about weed, there are some places we can all go to get stupid high around Twin Falls.
Where to Get Legally High Around Twin Falls
Since marijuana is still illegal in Idaho, you can’t legally walk down the street and get high. You can cross the border into Nevada and hit up places that may sell the drug, but there's another way to get high around Twin Falls that is much more socially acceptable.
You literally just have to go up to get high, and these are the best places to do that.
The Best Places to Get High Around Twin Falls
If you have a fear of heights, you may want to skip out on visiting any of these locations since they will get you crazy high.
Places To Get Really High Around Twin Falls
Where Does the Term 4/20 Come From
Up until about two minutes ago, I thought the 4/20 reference was part of the police code for drug use. I was wrong. According to the entire internet, 420 isn’t a police code for drugs. 420 was actually invented by a few high school kids in the seventies who would meet up after school each day to smoke weed together.
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