Which of These 12 Bugs in Idaho is the Most Annoying?
Summers in Idaho are nice. You get to go kayaking, you can go camping, you can go fishing, and you get to get on the water and enjoy the outdoors. As with most things though, there are some negatives as well. It is hot, it is often dry, and every bug under the sun seems to come out and invade your house, your yard, and your personal space. Idaho is home to many types of bugs. Some are enjoyable such as butterflies, rollie pollies, worms, and even bees, but not all bugs are enjoyable. Many are irritating, disgusting, and outright annoying. With so many different types in the area, the question is which one is the most annoying and that you seek to avoid over all the rest?
Flies in Idaho
Starting out is one of the most common bugs there is and that is flies. One of the worst things about flies is for every one you kill, it seems that three respawn in its place. They buzz, they fly in your face, they land on your food, and it seems you can never get rid of all of them. To add to the normal annoying fly, flies in Idaho seem to be on steroids, as there are some pretty big ones here. Horse flies, big flies, little flies, they all are annoying in the summer.
Earwigs are Everywhere in Idaho
You may be wondering what an earwig is, as many people have different names for them. Just in my household alone, it has three different names. These are the long thin bugs with pinchers, that don't hurt when they pinch you. They come in different shapes and sizes, but they seem to be everywhere. You will find tons in your yard, in your house, and your work. They can't fly, thank goodness, but they crawl everywhere and you can't seem to escape them.
Beware of Yellowjackets
Yellowjackets may not be as common as the prior bugs on this list, but when they are in your house, you know it before you see them. Their buzz is loud, they are big, and they are angry. Their sting hurts more than bees, wasps, and mosquitos, and their buzzing is louder than any of those as well. Imagine having a microphone next to a fly with the speakers attached at full volume and that sounds like a yellowjacket buzz. Make sure to try and get rid of it quickly before it gets to you.
Mosquitos in Idaho
Mosquitos, like flies, seem to be everywhere you go in the summer, and they follow you. No matter how many you kill, it seems like more appear after each one dies. One thing that makes mosquitos a little more annoying and scary than other bugs, is that they can spread diseases faster than others and more deadly diseases. Depending on where a mosquito has been before it lands on you can determine what type of disease you could get from it. There is no escaping them.
Wasps and Their Nests in Idaho
If yellowjackets and mosquitos don't get you, then odds are a wasp or two will. One of the things that make wasps so bad is that they linger in the worst possible spot. They will fly about your front or back door, in the garage over your car, or they land in a spot they know you need to get to. To make matters worse, they will build a nest near these areas, and then there is a swarm of them around. It makes it difficult to get anywhere or get things done, always having to watch out for them to avoid being stung. There is a reason wasp spray is available and not dedicated to other bugs.
Crickets in Idaho
Crickets are one of those bugs you either like or hate. Unlike the bugs above, they aren't in your face or a danger to string you, but their sounds can drive a person crazy if trying to sleep. If a cricket ends up in your house and you can't find it, you will go mad listening to its song all night long. Fortunately, crickets aren't as common as some of the other bugs, but it doesn't make them any less annoying.
Aphids: The Bug You Don't Know its Name
Odds are you have seen an aphid and had one or many on you at the same time, but didn't know what it was called. Aphids are these little green bugs that live in the grass and plants and if you spend a few minutes sitting in your yard will find multiple green specs all over you. They don't make noise and they aren't harmful, but they can cover your clothes and body in a hurry and it is hard to get all of them off because of how many and how small they are. They are annoying for a different reason than other bugs on this list.
Spiders: Oh Hell No
Spiders may deserve their own category on this list, as they aren't so much annoying as much as an oh hell no. Spider webs can be annoying when you walk through one, but the bigger issue is that they pop up when you are on the toilet, laying down, or on a door handle when you need to get in or out. They find places to be inconvenient and you also will watch them and avoid their area at all costs if they are in a corner or making a web high up. Yes, they do get rid of some of the annoying bugs on this list, but they are still spiders and I don't like them.
Ants Ants Ants
Ants are one of the worst bugs to have because you never get only one. When they come, they all come. The nice thing is they don't make noise, but the bad thing is they will swarm any food you leave out. They can often be tough to get rid of as well. You think you are free of them, only to find them in another part of the room or another part of the house. Nobody wants ants, but they are inevitable.
Gnats Everywhere
I have not experienced gnat season in Twin Falls yet, but I have heard there will be a point where they are everywhere and swarm everyone. I have dealt with them but nothing compared to what I have heard. Gnats are the bug that was made to annoy humans the most. They may be small but they surround you in swarms and do nothing but bug you until you can't stand it any longer. There isn't much to do to get rid of them, other than not leaving your house.
Ticks Are Painful and Annoying
Hiking and camping are a must in Idaho, especially in the summer. There are beautiful mountains, forests, streams, and ponds, but also the inevitable tick that may become a part of your hike. Ticks can carry many diseases with them, but they also hurt. Depending on the size of the tick and where it latches on, it is easy to go days without noticing one. The longer it stays attached, the more it hurts when it is time to try and end the relationship. Anyone that has had a tick on them knows they can be bothersome and a pain to deal with.
Beetles, So Many Types of Beetles Everywhere
This bug could be broken down into many subcategories, so we will stick with beetles as a whole. There are many different kinds in Idaho and they appear wherever you go. Some are big, some are small, some make noises and some fly. It is not uncommon to walk into a building and see many different beetles on the walls in the summer. Beetles do not understand personal boundaries, and they will explore anywhere and everywhere on you or around their location. Because of the number of kinds there are, beetles commonly find themselves annoying everyone.

There are many different bugs to choose from. Idaho is not short on types of bugs and it is hard to figure out which is the most annoying. Breaking it down into categories of common, sounds, invasion of personal space, and irritation, the common fly has to be the most annoying bug in the state of Idaho. There are more of them than any other bug, they buzz and make noises, they land on you and your food, as well as they continue to appear despite killing all the ones you see. They often linger longer into the winter than other bugs as well. Make sure to spray often and do what you can to avoid these bugs and others. Don't let them drive you insane or annoy you too much, remember you are bigger than them.
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