Winter Weather Closes Multiple Idaho Roads And Highways
My kids were so bummed this morning when they woke up and school had not been cancelled. I was a little sad too because I was hoping for a good layer of snow so we could build a snowman after the kids got out of school. Turns out we did get a good amount of snow but we also got a good amount of rain and that turned it all to slush in the Magic Valley.
There were weather issues all over the state, even if they didn't cause school closures they did cause highway closures. Many roads along the Idaho/Wyoming border are still closed including portions of ID87, 47, 20, 33, and 32. Highway 20 near Craters of the Moon is still closed and Highway 21 near Stanley is closed due to avalanche danger.
It is pretty crazy to look at the Idaho 511 map right now because of all the road issues! You can always check their map before you head out to travel and if you are heading down to Utah they have a similar website with a map of traffic conditions.
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