21 New Year’s Resolutions For Twin Falls In 2021
With about a week checked off in the new year, what have you been doing to make this year better, or make yourself better? Do you set New Year's resolutions or do you not believe in putting that kind of stress on yourself? Or, are you constantly trying to be better every day - rather than a resolution each year you have a life resolution?
We can all be better or do better at something in our lives. Many people make resolutions to be healthy by eating less (or more), exercising, paying off bills to get out of debt, or saving enough money to buy a big ticket item. I call those the adult resolutions. They are great goals to set, but they aren't fun. I think we should all set adult goals and also include some fun goals to help us find joy in between the less fun resolutions.
What you decide to do is up to you, but I do know there are many things every one of us in Twin Falls can work on and that's the 21 New Year's resolutions for Twin Falls in 2021 you'll find below. Some of these are daily goals and others may take you a bit longer, but that's the point. Goals and resolutions aren't meant to be done in one day and then you are finished. Long term and short term goals are essential to success.
- Actually drive 35 on Blue Lakes. For real, the speed limit isn't 25 and it isn't 55.
- Eat more potatoes. We have a reputation to keep here, if you want to be Idahoan eat some potatoes.
- Let other drivers merge. If you see a blinker - that usually means the person has plans and needs to get over. Sometimes they just forgot to turn it off.
- Use your vehicle blinker. This goes along with the goal above. If you want people to let you in, you have to let them know. Mind reading would be a cool skill to have, but in the meantime use your blinker.
- Try a new local restaurant. Twin Falls has had a lot of new restaurants, food trucks, and beverage shops open recently. Branch out and try a new eatery in town.
- Eat more healthy. This may not exactly coincide with the above goal, but it seems that most restaurants offer some sort of a healthy option on their menus.
- Be nice to Californians. This might be the hardest resolution on the list for some of us. California gets blamed and joked about often for our problems in Idaho. Don't let those jokes leak into real life where you are actually being mean to other people.
- Hike Box Canyon. If you haven't done the Box Canyon hike in the last few years - you need to do it. Go in the spring before the bugs and weeds take over and you'll be treated to a beautiful adventure.
- Do something nice every day. If you are already doing all the things on this list, this should be your daily goal.
- Get out of your house. This is more important than in other years. We've had about a year to figure out how to live in this pandemic world. Even if you just step out on your porch or walk your yard, getting outside will do wonders for you.
- Go for a walk. If you decide to venture further away from the house, do it. Just remember to take the right precautions to stay healthy and safe.
- Volunteer. Feeling better about yourself can be amplified when you decide to help other people
- Support local. Shop local when it makes sense and when you can. I get that not all options are available locally and that 'local' doesn't always mean the best deal or the best product. Do some research and support your neighbors when you can.
- Bring back date nights. When was the last time you and your spouse went on a date? If you can't remember then it's time to make it happen.
- Get out of Twin Falls. This pandemic has many of us feeling trapped. If a walk around the block isn't enough, take a small day trip or adventure to somewhere in Idaho you have never been to.
- Smile more. That's an easy goal that will make you and others feel good.
- Don't drive 35 through Downtown Twin Falls. On the flip side of people driving slow on Blue Lakes are the people who drive too fast through Downtown Twin Falls. This isn't a race and driving dangerous isn't a good idea.
- Put down your phone when driving. Not just a good, safe driving idea but also the law now in Idaho.
- Be accepting of others. Yes, this includes Idahoans and those from Chubbuck, but specifically in Twin falls we are becoming a much more diverse city every day.
- Check out a local attraction you haven't seen before or in a long time. This could be an event or a location. Do something fun and new this year.
- Make 2021 better than 2020. Maybe 2020 was a good year for you and maybe it was the worst. Either way, you can make this year better for you and those around you.
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