For many of us it is really hard to admit we are wrong - especially when it has to do with something we have done for most of our lives. Well, get ready to be wrong. Here are eight  things that pretty much everybody does wrong.


1.  Using a long strip of toothpaste (like the picture on the toothpaste box). You really only need a little bit of paste.

2.  Thinking that the phrase “I’m sorry you’re upset” is the same as saying “I’m sorry.”  Those are two very different things, and believe me - the person on the receiving end knows it!

3.  Sneezing into your hands.  You’re supposed to use a tissue or your sleeve...which is still really gross.

4.  Pet peeve alert! Only using your turn signal when you feel like it.

5.  People who shoot videos on their phone vertically so you get those YouTube videos with black boxes on both sides. Just turn your phone horizontally, it takes no extra effort yet it looks better and makes people happier when viewing the video.

6.  Saying “I could care less” instead of “I couldn’t care less.” That is just sending them a mixed signal...wait you could or couldn't care less?

7.  Not letting people get off buses, trains, or elevators before getting on. During the summer we had a lot of experience with this one and teaching the kids when to wait and when to move!

8.  I am guilty of this one! Cleaning your ears with Q-tips.  You’re actually just pushing the wax in deeper and causing bigger problems down the road.


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