Canyon Ridge High School Staff Member Tests Positive For COVID-19
The South Central Public Health District confirmed today that a Canyon Ridge High School staff member has tested positive for COVID-19. In an email, parents and students were informed that the employee did not show symptoms of infection until after classes had been closed on Friday the 13th. They don't believe there is any risk to students from this case.
Yesterday, March 30th, many students and parents returned to schools around Twin Falls to checkout items to facilitate distance learning and to participate in the food program for breakfast and lunch for youth. Prior to Monday, the Canyon Ridge High School campus was thoroughly cleaned and disinfected. In the email they remind parents, students, and staff members to self isolate if you show any symptoms of the coronavirus.
Read the full email below:
Today the South Central Public Health District confirmed that a Canyon Ridge High School staff member has tested positive for COVID-19. The staff member did not develop symptoms until after school had been closed on Friday, March 13. Because of this, there is very little risk that students were exposed to the coronavirus.
Prior to students and staff members returning for Chromebook checkout on Monday, March 31, the Canyon Ridge High School campus had been thoroughly cleaned and disinfected. South Central Public Health District will be reaching out to any staff members who had close contact with this person during the time he/she was symptomatic and one day prior to becoming symptomatic. Simply being in the same building with someone who is symptomatic would not have put all staff members and students at a high risk of contracting COVID-19; however, we encourage anyone, regardless of possible exposure, to self-isolate if they have symptoms. Because most people begin exhibiting symptoms of COVID-19 within two weeks of being exposed, we expect all people who are going to get sick with COVID-19 to already be showing symptoms.

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